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VigRX® Tongkat Ali LJ100

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Do you feel frustrated and embarrassed about your fast declining sexual health? Does sex feel like a chore and may lead to depression as you quickly search for a solution? Do you think it is impossible to feel like you did in bed when you were 20? Well, allow us to introduce you to VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100, the most potent testosterone and HGH booster that uses all-natural ingredients. Daily use will help to:

  • Help boost lean muscle mass./li>
  • You will feel stronger and more energetic in bed./li>
  • Takes your athletic performance to the next level./li>
  • Increases sex drive.

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VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 is one of the best, if not the best all-natural herbal sexual enhancement products that have changed the lives of hundreds of men the world over. The proven sexual booster doubles as a muscle booster and boosts male fertility in the process. The way it works is by naturally stimulating human growth hormone and testosterone production.

While you may imagine that there are hundreds of other products that do the same thing, the fact is that most don’t work. We have formulated VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 to be different in more ways than one, which is why it is so effective. So, what sets VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 apart? Well, for starters, it has been put through 13 clinical studies, and it is the only formulation that’s patented to be effective at treating sexual dysfunction and fertility.

Many, if not most, men will experience a decrease in their sexual functions, especially as they get older, but many may not even realize it. That is because the decline is slow and often unnoticeable until it finally hits you. However, if you are not sure if there is a decrease in your sexual function, start by answering these questions:

  • Do you currently have sexual relations?
  • Has the frequency of your sexual intercourse been decreasing?
  • When was the last time you had sex?
  • Are both of you entirely satisfied with the experience?

Now, if you have answered “no” to any of the questions posted above, then it is likely that you are experiencing a decrease in your sexual satisfaction. That’s when you will want to consider using VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100. We strongly advise that you start using it before it is too late.

What Is VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100?

You probably heard of Tongkat Ali; many people have because it is one of the most potent sexual enhancement herbs. Tongkat Ali is a shrub in the jungles of Malaysia and has, over the years, proven to boost male libido, fertility, and testosterone production. The formulation was made in collaboration between the Malaysian Government and a team at MIT.

How VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 Increases Your Testosterone Levels?

VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 isn’t just responsible for increasing testosterone production in men and influences cortisol production. When both hormones are produced optimally, they help improve physical and sexual function.

How Long Will It Take To See Results?

We often tell men that they should question most marketing claims, but in our case, we are clear that VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 will take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. However, this is contingent on you taking the product as recommended and regularly. Depending on your age and current health, how long it takes to impact your health will vary. Keep in mind that hormones do not naturally increase overnight. Our testing shows that it takes around a month to start seeing results.

Our month-long trials have shown that users will see results in a month. In terms of numbers, 90% of men will see results within a month of taking 200mg of VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100. However, the results will become more prominent the longer you take it.

What Results Can Be Expected?

VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 can help you physically turn back the clock, ensuring that you feel younger and more masculine. If anything, you’ll see an increase in your sexual performance in many ways like:

  • You’ll be able to last longer in bed.
  • Have more energy outside and inside the covers.
  • You will get hard faster, for longer, and your erections will feel harder.
  • You’ll experience libido and the sex drive going through the roof.
  • The experience will be pleasurable for both of you.

In addition to enhanced sexual performance, you’ll also see results in terms of physical performance too, such as:

  • Your ability to lose weight.
  • You’ll have more stamina in the gym.
  • More energy to accomplish more in your life.
  • The ability to lean, muscle mass.

Is VigRX Tongkat Ali A Good Choice?

While the male sexual enhancement industry is worth billions, there are few supplements that work. If you are a man that wants to get their mojo back, there are very few options, and those that do work take a long time. That’s where VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 comes in. Not only is it relatively fast-acting, but it will help you regain your libido and ensure you have a healthier sex life. In other words, this wonder formula will help treat your younger self and partner with amazing sex.


VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100, as mentioned earlier, has been extensively clinically tested, and the formulation has proven to be effective despite it being 100% natural. All ingredients included are necessary for testosterone production and the production of HGH. Below is a brief rundown of the formulation:

Tongkat Ali LJ100

The active ingredient in the formulation is, as you’d guess, Tongkat Ali LJ100, which is a Malaysian shrub known clinically as Eurycoma Longifolia. This shrub or herb has been shown to improve sexual performance, arousal, sperm volume, and motility.

The shrub is also known for increasing athletic performance. Various studies over the years have shown that men who train by lifting weights and taking 100mg of this supplement will improve their body composition. They will see more lean body mass compared to those that don’t. Every capsule has 100mg of Tongkat Ali, and we recommend taking two capsules daily. The 200mg daily intake is the optimal quantity needed to reap all of the supplement’s benefits.

Vitamin B1

Anyone not getting enough of this vitamin in their diet will experience a deficiency, causing weak muscles and chronic fatigue. B1 is responsible for boosting the male sex drive, raising libido, and ensuring men have more energy for daily activities.

Vitamin B6

Many men may not know this, but B6 is even more critical than your B1 intake, mainly because it directly influences testosterone production. B6 both directly and indirectly affects the production of this hormone. It helps to promote androgens in the body, directly affecting test production.

We have included B6 in the formulation as Pyridoxine, which is highly beneficial for producing various growth hormones and reducing hormones impeding test levels. B6 deficiency can directly cause your testosterone to take a hit, affecting overall sexual performance.


It is yet another essential mineral affecting testosterone production. It is found that men who receive 30mg of zinc a day experience a boost in testosterone production. Taking two capsules a day will ensure that your body gets the 30mg quota, which is essential for men who may not be receiving enough zinc from their diet.

Clinical Studies

All ingredients are naturally occurring, with added minerals that have been clinically tested. In fact, there have been 13 clinical trials that produced impressive results, showing that our patented VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 outperforms everything else. That said, the below-mentioned happen to be the most relevant to a man’s sexual performance.

VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 Clinical Findings

The study included 76 participants who were reportedly suffering from low testosterone. They were given 200mg of LJ100 for 30 days and then tested again. The results were measured using the Aging Male Symptom (AMS) score to see if it had improved.


The purpose was to determine if VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 could help raise the AMS score and serum testosterone. When these two factors improve, it has a direct link to improved sexual health, which can be linked with the use of VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 in the study.


Before treatment, 35% of patients reportedly had normal testosterone levels compared to when they were checked post-treatment. 91% had normal levels of testosterone after 30 days. In terms of the serum testosterone levels, there was an interesting 47% increase after treatment. If anything, this proves that VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 did its thing to address testosterone deficiency in the test subjects.

The Effects of VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 On Men’s Sexual Health

The study assembled 26 men, all of whom reportedly had mild erectile dysfunction. They were then randomly divided into two groups, with one group given 200mg of LJ100 and the other a placebo. Then both groups were subjected to testing before and after.


The study's goal or objective was to determine whether, after 12 weeks, the people taking LJ100 had experienced an improvement in their sexual performance indicators using a score-based series of questions.

The questions asked were:

  • Are you satisfied with your sexual experience?
  • Do you think the hardness of your erections has improved?
  • Did you manage to insert your entire shaft into your partner?
  • Did you get some erection?
  • Did it last long to have satisfying intercourse?


The results showed that the group given VigRX Tongkat Ali LJ100 scored much higher than the placebo group. Plus, the one given LJ100 also experienced a loss of fat and an 11% increase in testosterone compared to the placebo group. This proves that LJ100 helps to improve men's sexual health.

Customer Reviews


Incredible product, it just WORKS!

One of the only natural supplements in this industry that works! If you want consistent improvement and happiness in your intimacy, this is the way to go! No need for prescription and dangerous drugs that only work one time, like a band aid.


Great Product For Men

Have used the product for several years. It does what is supposed to in helping with male needs.


Leading Edge Health products have gone viral. Everyone is talking about them, including celebrities, influencers and most likely, even your friends.

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