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VigRX® Delay Spray

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Has your sex life taken on the form of a chore? Do you feel less happy before and after it? Do you feel embarrassed because you’ll let loose before your partner climaxes? If that’s the case, you might consider VigRX® Delay Spray. It uses a natural, revolutionary formula that will help extend your pleasure to new boundaries, all without a prescription.

  • Get her to experience an intense climax.
  • Improve the quality of your erection.
  • Experience intense orgasms.
  • Last 2x longer.
  • Be more confident in bed.

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PE, or Premature Ejaculation, as it is commonly called, is a surprisingly common problem affecting nearly every man at some point in their life. Some men may find that they cum too soon, while others may even have difficulty getting an erection. It is worth understanding that PE does not go away without doing anything; in some cases, it can worsen. Fortunately, VigRX® Delay Spray is the solution if you’re one of these men.

Over the years, using VigRX® Delay Spray has helped many couples achieve their ultimate sexual experience. It is easy to use, convenient, and offers on-demand relief from premature ejaculation and if you have a poor erection.

How Does VigRX® Delay Spray Work?

The way it works, in a nutshell, is that the formulation is designed to help men last longer in bed. It is, for all intents and purposes, a performance enhancer that will:

Delay a man’s orgasm – The Benzocaine in the formulation works as a mild anesthetic, desensitizing the penis slightly. This helps a man last longer in bed.

Helps improve erection quality – The majority of ingredients (as we will see) in the formulation help to increase the blood flow to the penis, which helps make it firmer and will work to sustain harder erections.

Suppresses libido – The formulation ensures you will not get too excited, thanks to the included so-called libido blockers in VigRX® Delay Spray. These blockers are not found in any other formulation, making them uniquely effective.

Extend pleasure in bed at least twice as much with VigRX® Delay Spray. You get more time to enjoy yourself and help your partner feel a new high at her own pace. This is a sensation she has probably never experienced before, and she’ll thank you for it.

How To Use VigRX® Delay Spray?

VigRX® Delay Spray happens to be easy to use, and it works fast too. All you need to do is spray it on your shaft minutes before sex. Then rub the formulation in. The formulation will quickly get absorbed into the skin, usually taking around 10 minutes. After you are dry, it's ready to enjoy prolonged pleasure in bed and unbelievable orgasms.

Is it Safe To Use VigRX® Delay Spray?

Yes, VigRX® Delay Spray is 100% safe to use. In fact, there are few reported adverse effects from men who have used and continue to use it to this day.

Unlike various prescription medications, the best thing about VigRX® Delay Spray is that it does not contain anything harmful. None of the ingredients will or have been shown to cause long-term health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

How Is VigRX® Delay Spray Better Than The Others?

For starters, VigRX® Delay Spray comes packed with 17 unique ingredients known to enhance a man’s performance in bed. Plus, its use and benefits are backed by thousands of reviews from happy couples. Plus:

You don’t need a prescription to use or buy VigRX® Delay Spray – You’ll see results almost right away and all without having to risk-taking prescription medications.

Discreet shipping – Purchase VigRX® Delay Spray from us from the comfort of your home, and we’ll ensure it arrives discreetly packaged.
Fast-acting formulation – It starts working in less than 10 minutes. That means you’re ready for extended pleasure in bed within a few minutes.
Orgasms you’ve never experienced before - VigRX® Delay Spray is excellent when it comes to preventing premature ejaculation and often for twice as long. This results in an intense orgasm.

Is VigRX® Delay Spray A Good Choice For Me?

We can tell you from years of experience that any guy, regardless of age or ethnicity, can benefit from using VigRX® Delay Spray. This is an excellent enhancer for any man who wants to increase their time in bed. Plus, it is 100% safe, meaning a risk-free experience. We can say with a great deal of certainty that once you give it a shot, you will never return to your old routine.

The best thing is that long-term use does not lead to adverse effects like other products that promise the same benefits.


VigRX Delay Spray uses a water-based formulation responsible for holding 17 known and highly effective sexual enhancers. Every ingredient in the formulation is meant to maximize your time between the sheets. Our team has ensured that the formulation combines the best quality materials and the most advanced manufacturing methods to ensure optimal potency, safety, and purity.

Below is a brief look at each ingredient:

Propylene Glycol

Propylene Glycol is an organic compound used as a food additive and sauce thickener. While its main use is in food, it is also found in various products, including medicines, personal care products, and even automobile antifreeze. It is, for the most part, a body-safe element that is absorbed through the skin. Apart from keeping the skin moist, it also helps to keep all the other ingredients fresh for when the user sprays it on their shaft.

Ethyl Aminobenzoate or Benzocaine

Benzocaine is a locally effective anesthetic. It is available under the brand name Orajel. Cough drops with benzocaine are among the most common over-the-counter anesthetic creams and ointments. In addition to cough and cold remedies, benzocaine is often used in topical anesthetic ointments for oral ulcers. Its mild numbing characteristic makes VigRX such an effective delay spray, which helps with experiencing intense orgasms.

Glycyrrhiza Glabra or Licorice

A traditional medicinal plant, Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn., belongs to the Fabaceae family. This plant has ethanopharmacological value, containing the major active constituent glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin is a powerful antioxidant. Glycyrrhizin is one of the most widely used herbal preparations, and the plant is used in traditional medicine worldwide. Its use is widely known as a libido suppressant, preventing men from getting too excited.

Cinnamomum Zeylanicum

The bark extract happens to be an intensely powerful sexual stimulant for both parties. When applied to the genitals, men experience much more pleasure than they would have without it, helping them experience an intense climax. Not to mention, it is a natural ingredient with no adverse effects.

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng is a herb that grows in China, Korea, and Siberia. It contains a variety of active chemicals known as ginsenosides. Studies indicate that Panax ginseng can enhance immune and psychological functions. The herb has been used for centuries to improve sexual function in men. It is immensely beneficial for men experiencing moderate or mild symptoms of PE. In addition, improving sex also has a positive effect on the body’s dopamine levels.

Rubus Idaeus or Raspberry

It is native to northern Asia and Europe and is grown in many temperate regions. Its bright red fruit is an excellent addition to desserts and beverages.

The fruit of Rubus Idaeus is commonly used for cooking and is a valuable addition to herbal teas. It is high in antioxidants and can reduce the risk of strokes. It is also helpful in treating hormonal imbalance and regulating the female cycle.

When it comes to improving sexual performance, Rubus Idaeus helps by increasing nitric oxide levels within the genitals. This is needed to relax the muscles, allowing more blood to rush into them. This is why VigRX Delay Spray is capable of producing such hard erections.

Ginkgo Biloba

Research has shown that ginkgo has an excellent antioxidant capacity and can protect your brain from disease by increasing activity in superoxide dismutase and glutathione. In addition, it also increases the levels of circulating nitric oxide, a molecule responsible for healthy circulation and dilation of blood vessels. Although the precise mechanisms behind ginkgo's antidepressant properties are unknown, it's widely believed that it fights free radicals and may be responsible for several health benefits.

It continues to be used for men’s sexual health since it effectively alleviates symptoms of erectile dysfunction. This means that men can hold a hard erection for longer.

Paeonia Albiflora Root Extract

Paeonia is a traditional Chinese herbal supplement supporting heart health and reducing inflammation. It may help reduce the effects of stress by relaxing blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and improving circulation.

It has also been shown to affect male sexual organs positively and is essential for improving symptoms associated with erectile dysfunction. The ingredient is so effective that Chinese herbal doctors have used it for several centuries, which is why they are credited with being one of the first to discover that the herb can make a man hard.

Dioscorea Villosa

Dioscorea villosa is a twining tuberous vine native to eastern North America. It is also known as wild yam, four-leaf yam, and colic root. It has a range that spans from Texas to Florida, with particular concentrations in Minnesota and Ontario. Its use is as a traditional medicine in the United States and Canada.

The root extract is a potent performance enhancer that men of all ages can use. When consumed orally, it boosts a man’s sex drive and energy levels. Plus, its high absorption rates can easily be absorbed when applied topically. That’s why it is included in significant quantities in VigRX Delay Spray’s formulation.

Cimicifuga Racemosa

A perennial weed, Cimicifuga racemosa is native to the Eastern Forest biome of the US and is considered hardy in all temperate zones. It has striking foliage and tall, white racemes. The herb is best known for having libido-boosting qualities. The ingredient helps men achieve harder erections during intercourse and produces intense orgasms. Men who have used VigRX Delay Spay report a tingling sensation when applying it, and that’s down to using Cimicifuga Racemosa.

Lepidium Meyenii or MACA

MACA root, as it is called, has been in use for centuries. It is a highly effective aphrodisiac, mainly in South American cultures. The plant is a native of Peru and recently became popular amongst men worldwide thanks to a string of new studies that show MACA root can help boost sex drive, fertility, and performance in bed.

Turnera Aphrodisiaca or Damiana

This plant is a member of the Passifloraceae family and is native to the Caribbean, Central America, and southern Texas. The use of the plant has been based mainly on traditional services, but some people believe it to have aphrodisiac or nervine tonic properties. However, it has a multitude of health benefits, from improving mental health to physical well-being. It is also known for having many sexual benefits helping improve sexual health for men suffering from premature ejaculation, low libido, and erection issues.

Potassium Sorbate

Potassium Sorbate is a common food preservative, and it is a potassium salt of sorbic acid with the chemical formula CH3CHCHCO2K. Potassium sorbate is highly soluble in water, making it a convenient ingredient for many applications.

It is a natural lubricant, and that’s its primary function in the formulation. However, it also helps to preserve other ingredients in the formulation. This is one of the reasons why the delay spray lasts longer once you open the bottle compared to different formulations.

Cherry Flavor

VigRX® Delay Spray, as mentioned earlier, uses a well-planned formulation to make sex more enjoyable for both parties. So, not only does the formulation work great but in our opinion and those of many users also smells great. That’s down to the cherry flavor used.

Calcium Saccharin

It is an FDA-approved artificial sweetener that is safe for human consumption.”

Sodium Hydroxide

It may sound like a dangerous chemical, but in reality, it isn’t. It is part of the formulation because it helps dry up everything once applied. So, you don’t experience that sticky or oily feeling like other similar sprays.

Citric Acid

Citric acid prevents VigRX Delay spray from ending up becoming tackier. This means you will enjoy a smooth ride from the start until you cum. This is the characteristic of a well-designed formulation.

Customer Reviews


Impressed with the results!

Impressed with the results! Will be using this every time I'm with my girl.


Wont be disappointed.

Works really well and quick. But it hard to keep an erection once it’s numb. I’ve used some others in the past and none compares this. Wont be disappointed.


Excellent its working great…Wow

Excellent its working great. one spray enough


Really good product. absorbs into the skin very quickly

Really good product. absorbs into the skin very quickly, within 2mins you are ready to go, just make sure its completely dry. effects are amazing. and the products smells very good as well. 5 out of 5.


VigRX Delay Spray work good

VigRX Delay Spray works good. I really love it.


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